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Wednesdays at 6pm starting February 7th | Ages 15+ | 8 weeks | Entry Fee $160


Axe throwing leagues run for eight weeks. Everyone who loves the thrill of axe league competition are invited! Whether it’s for fun or just friendly bragging rights, we are excited to offer team oriented and individual winners to involve all levels of competition. Let the axes fly at Camp Adventureland, the premier place to play! League capacity is limited to 20.


Each week, you will compete against other players, culminating in the crowning of a League Night Champion. Bragging rights assured. During our eight-week league, you will be allowed a shared 15 minute practice throw and warm up prior to competition so be there early. Your score for each throw is tallied and recorded. Each league day you will throw a total of 4 games or 40 throws. Depending on the number of registrants the time between games will vary and you will cheer on the competition from the sidelines. Your ranking is based on your skills at hitting the bullseye and “kill shots” to get top scores. The top 4 scorers will then make it to the Championship Round following Week 8 league to play a double elimination bracket to determine the League Grand Champion!


A secret bonus envelope will be chosen with a random secret prize each day and opened at the end of competition. Winners could be the most Bulls Eyes, most 4’s, most drops, most kills shots, etc. A winner every night! Week 4 will be accompanied by a pot luck dinner so think of your favorite food share.



  • Winter League begins February 7th.
  • Spring League begins April 10th
  • Summer League begins July 10th.
  • Fall League begins September 11th.

4-week mini leagues may be held between each full seasons pending interest.



For only $160 per player Adult League registration fee you get:

  • League Winner Shirt
  • League Winner plays free the following season ($160 Value)
  • League Winner Check for $200
  • League Winner Competition Axe. ($60 Value)
  • One free 30 minute practice lane session per week (scheduled online). ($100 Value)
  • 20% concession discounts
  • We offer a $15 league discount for active Military, Fire, EMS, Police and Public School Teachers

For only $80 per player Lil’ League registration fee you get:

  • League Winner Shirt
  • League Winner plays free the following season ($160 Value)
  • League Winner Check for $100
  • League Winner Competition Axe. ($60 Value)
  • One free 30 minute practice lane session per week (scheduled online). ($100 Value)
  • 20% concession discounts

Axe throwing has become so popular because it’s fun for all people young, and old. All skill levels are welcome! Have fun, and meet new friends!


  • Remember that closed toe shoes are mandatory during game play.
  • You must be at least 15 years old to participate.
  • Lil’ League age is 8-14 years.
  • You must pre-register for this event. Online registration closes 24 hours prior
  • We are wheelchair and H/P compliant and inclusive.